Black Masked Grassfinch
Articles and Information - Lady Gouldian Finch
Myra Markely (FinchNiche) photo of Black Masked Grassfinch
Name: Black Masked Grassfinch (Poephila personata) - aka. Masked Grassfinch
Origin: Australia.
Habitat: GrassLands, Forest Edge
Sexing: Virtually identical. The best way to sex them is to watch for the male to sing and the female to lay her eggs.
Breeding: Fairly easy if the finches are comfortable. They will nest in a typical finch nest and enjoy their privacy so no peeking.
Social: Yes. Very friendly finches which house well in a mixed aviary. I keep mine with Gouldians and have had no problems..
Housing: These are active finches and enjoy plenty of flight space. They are also very fast flyers and I recommend you keep a nightlight on for them to prevent night fright.
Diet: A standard finch mix, cuttlebone, oyster shell, fresh water. I give a variety of sprouted seeds plus a mixture of greens & egg food. They are fairly eager to try new foods.
© lady gouldian 2017