Glamorous Gouldian's Millet Mix - Now in 2 sizes - Lady Gouldian Finch Breeding Mix over 43 ingredients

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: terrimix -
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Price: $15.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Breeding & Molting Diet for Grass Finches & Grass Keets Lady Gouldian Finch Food - Breeding Seed Mix Use for pet birds year-round, great seed mix for Lady Gouldian finches, canaries, parakeets, and...

Breeding & Molting Diet for Grass Finches & Grass Keets Lady Gouldian Finch Food - Breeding Seed Mix Use for pet birds year-round, great seed mix for Lady Gouldian finches, canaries, parakeets, and all millet loving birds. Ingredients: Eight Types of Millet, 7 different Grass seeds, Sterilized Hemp, Black Lettuce, White Lettuce, Nyjer, white and red clover! I will not list nor share all the seeds in this mix but, these are the certified organics it contains, caraway, anise, fennel, chia and...

Gouldian Finch Austerity Blend - Low Fat Minimal nutrition to reset gonads before setting up to breed

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: gouldian-austerity-blend-5lb -
Price: $16.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Austerity Blend For Lady Gouldian Finches Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Bird Supplies This Austere diet simulates as closely as possible the waning nutritional period of mid to late winter in the...

Austerity Blend For Lady Gouldian Finches Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Bird Supplies This Austere diet simulates as closely as possible the waning nutritional period of mid to late winter in the wild, where the Gouldian finch will stop breeding due to a lack of nutritional resources. Following the resting season, it is now time to prepare the Gouldian’s body for the upcoming breeding season, which is done through a simulation of the scarce nutritional resources in the wild that occurs...

Gouldian Finch Grassfinch Maintenance Mix - Low fat resting mix with grasses

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: grassfinch-maintenance-5lb -
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Price: $20.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Seed Diet for Resting Grass Finches & Grass Keets Finch Food - Seed Bird Supplies Use for pet birds year-round, great seed mix for Lady Gouldian finches, grass keets and all finches....

Seed Diet for Resting Grass Finches & Grass Keets Finch Food - Seed Bird Supplies Use for pet birds year-round, great seed mix for Lady Gouldian finches, grass keets and all finches. Ingredients:Millets and grass seeds. Great overall seed mix to give your birds who are not breeding. Specifically for gouldians, grass finches and grasskeets. No color, no preservatives and no waste. Your bird will love it:) ... Breeding & Molting Mix for Gouldian Finches - Finch Food

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: ladygouldianfinch-breeding -
Price: $9.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Lady gouldian finch Breeding & Molting Seed Mix Finch Food - Breeding Seed MixLady Gouldian Finch Breeding Supplies Formulated for the Nutritional Requirements for Breeding & Molting Seasons of...

Lady gouldian finch Breeding & Molting Seed Mix Finch Food - Breeding Seed MixLady Gouldian Finch Breeding Supplies Formulated for the Nutritional Requirements for Breeding & Molting Seasons of Finches & Canaries. Well we now's Seed Blends Available. Specifically formulated for gouldians. No color, no preservatives and no waste. Joanne has retired but her mix lives on:) LadyG Breeding & Molting Finch Seed Blend has been carefully selected to provide the widest range of... Resting Mix - Low Fat resting mix for Maintenance of Lady Gouldian Finches

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: ladygouldianfinch-resting -
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Price: $7.50
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Seed Diet for Resting Finch Food - Resting Mix Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Well we now's Seed Blends Available. Specifically formulated for gouldians. No... Seed Diet for Resting Finch Food - Resting Mix Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Well we now's Seed Blends Available. Specifically formulated for gouldians. No color, no preservatives and no waste. Joanne has retired but her mix lives on:) I got very tired of all of the small seeds and multi-colored bits and pieces in the various brands of Finch Seed Mix that my birds just wouldn't eat them. So into the trash they went! Finally, I decided to mix up my own... Tonic Mix - used by canary breeders to denote the soft black oily seeds with thin, brittle hulls

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: ladygouldianfinch-tonic-1lb -
Price: $8.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

"Tonic Seed" Old Canary Breeders Term Canary and Finch Food - Seed Bird Supplies Well we now's Seed Blends Available. Specifically formulated for gouldians. No color, no...

"Tonic Seed" Old Canary Breeders Term Canary and Finch Food - Seed Bird Supplies Well we now's Seed Blends Available. Specifically formulated for gouldians. No color, no preservatives and no waste. Joanne has retired but her mix lives on:) Tonic Seed is a term used by canary breeders to denote the soft black oily seeds with thin, brittle hulls. They are more easily eaten by youngsters whose beaks are not strong enough to crack hard seed until they are 5 weeks old. Oily...

Sprouting Seed Mix - Lady Gouldian Finch Sprouts - Bird Food

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: terri-sprout-mix -
Price: $13.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Sprouting Mix Finch and Canary Food - Seed Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Use for pet birds year-round, great sprouting mix for Lady Gouldian finches, canaries, parakeets, and all millet loving birds....

Sprouting Mix Finch and Canary Food - Seed Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Use for pet birds year-round, great sprouting mix for Lady Gouldian finches, canaries, parakeets, and all millet loving birds. Small sprouting seed mix to give your birds fresh sprouts. These are fresh millet seeds that are great for sprouting. Did you know sprouting increases the nutritional value of the seed up to 300%! The perfect addition to any cage bird diet is sprouts. This is the natural food source of lady...

Terri Canary Breeding Blend - Canary Breeding Blend with white perilla - Canary Food

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: terri-canary-breeding-5lb -
Price: $22.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Canary Breeding Diet Canary Breeding Seed Mix Use for pet canary during molt and/or Breeding. Great Premium seed mix for canaries with White Perilla Ingredients: Canary, White Perilla, Flax,...

Canary Breeding Diet Canary Breeding Seed Mix Use for pet canary during molt and/or Breeding. Great Premium seed mix for canaries with White Perilla Ingredients: Canary, White Perilla, Flax, Sterilized Hemp, Black Lettuce, White Lettuce, Nyjer, white, yellow and red clovers, rye grass, sesame! I will not list nor share all the seeds in this mix but, these are the certified organics it contains, anise, chia, blue poppy and oat groats:)) Great overall seed mix to give your birds a little...

Terri Canary Resting Mix - Low Fat Resting Blend for Canaries - Canary Food

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: terri-canary-resting-5lb -
Price: $20.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Canary Maintenance Diet Use for pet canary for daily maintenance. Great Premium low fat seed mix for canaries Ingredients: Canary, Black Lettuce, White Lettuce, white, yellow and red clovers, rye...

Canary Maintenance Diet Use for pet canary for daily maintenance. Great Premium low fat seed mix for canaries Ingredients: Canary, Black Lettuce, White Lettuce, white, yellow and red clovers, rye grass, Chia, blue poppy and sesame! I will not list nor share all the seeds in this mix but, these are most of them:) Great overall seed mix to give your birds a little variety. Specifically for canaries. No color, no preservatives and no waste. Your bird will love it:) ...

Terri's Premium Herb - Lady Gouldian Finch Seed Blend - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies - Glamorous Gouldians

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: terri-premium-herb -
Price: $12.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

Premium Herb Seed Mix for Lady Gouldian Finches Lady Gouldian Finch Breeding Food - Seed Use for pet birds year-round, great seed mix for Lady Gouldian finches, canaries, parakeets, and all millet...

Premium Herb Seed Mix for Lady Gouldian Finches Lady Gouldian Finch Breeding Food - Seed Use for pet birds year-round, great seed mix for Lady Gouldian finches, canaries, parakeets, and all millet loving birds. Ingredients: Rye Grass, Switch Grass, Hemp, White Perilla, Rape, White Lettuce, Black Lettuce, Blue Poppy Great to add a little variety. Specifically for gouldians, grass finches and grasskeets. No color, no preservatives and no waste. Your bird will love it:) ...

White Perilla Seed is a great breeding seed to add to your mix, Finch And Canary Breeding Supplies, Food

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Availability: In Stock
Item #: white-perilla-seed -
Price: $40.00
Glamorous Gouldians - Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies

White Perilla-Oily Breeding Seed Bird Food - Seed Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Known to be a highly regarded conditioning seed. Recommended for British Finches, Budgies, Canaries, and even small...

White Perilla-Oily Breeding Seed Bird Food - Seed Lady Gouldian Finch Supplies Known to be a highly regarded conditioning seed. Recommended for British Finches, Budgies, Canaries, and even small parakeets! Add this beneficial conditioning seed to your breeding mix. Hard to find finch food! Get some while we have it!