article on Herbs
Articles and Information - Lady Gouldian Finch
More than 80 million Americans turn to complementary and alternative medicine every year. What's more, the World Health Organization estimates that 80 percent of the world's population relies chiefly on traditional medicines - the majority of which are plant extracts-for their health care needs.
Lady Gouldian Finch Information on Herbs and Birds
Astragalus | immune system stimulator, aids digestion, energy, kidneys |
Barberry | C, antiseptic, respiratory, antibacterial, blood purifier, liver function |
Chickweed | C, B6, B12, D, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, stomach, respiratory |
Dandelion | liver, kidneys, stomach, vitamins, rich in potassium, iron, calcium |
Echinacea | antibiotic, antiviral, strengthens immunity, vitamins & proteins |
Elderberry | respiratory, anti-inflammatory, blood purifier, stimulates appetite |
Garlic | antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, fertility, immune system, heart |
Kelp | iodine, thyroid, stimulant, emollient, protects mucous membranes |
Lavender | stimulant, digestion, essential oils, relieves stress, metabolism |
Licorice | expectorant, liver detoxifier, anti-inflammatory, delicious flavor |
Marshmallow | heals wounds, calcium, A, diuretic, demulcent, tonic |
Milk thistle | liver repair, heart, lungs, circulation, expels intestinal worms |
Oatstraw | rich in calcium, magnesium, yeast infections, antiseptic, thyroid |
Olive leaf | chronic skin problems, allergies, improves the will to live in sick birds |
Pau d' arco | antibacterial, blood cleanser, fights infections, liver, candida |
Plantain | kidneys, bladder, appetite, diarrhea, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory |
Red clover | relaxant, antibiotic, inflammations, biotin, minerals, B's, A, C |
Spirulina | fertility, growth, immune system, stress reducer, color, protein |
Thyme | antibacterial, kills and expels worms, fights diarrhea |
Wheatgrass powder | circulation, amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll. |
Wormwood | liver, aids digestion, encourages appetite, kills & expels worms |
Yarrow | blood purifier, liver function, virus & fungal inhibitor, tonic |
Lady Gouldian Finch Herbs Article

Can I mix your herbs in with my egg food?
We don't advise mixing Herbs in with egg food, soaked seeds or anything moist. Because of the medicinal properties of the herbs, your birds should be able to choose which herb it wants and the quantity it desires to eat.
Lady Gouldian Finch Herbs Article
Will I have to grind up your herbs for my smaller birds?
No. This would make it very difficult for your birds to pick out certain herbs. Also, birds generally don't prefer powdered mixes.
Can I feed Herbs to my parrot?
Certainly! All species of birds will enjoy the benefits of Organic Herbs!
I was just wondering how long the herbs will stay fresh and how to store them. I have an African Grey coming to live with us in Aug. (after being weaned) and don't know how much to order or how to feed it.
Keeping opened Herbs sealed and dry will retain optimum potency and freshness for 1 year. Unopened, it has a shelf life of up to 2 years. While refrigeration is not necessary, storing at a low temperature or freezing unused portions may extend the expiration threshold. Young parrots seem to take to Herbs instantly, some need to *learn* what it is.. Provide a cup large enough to contain a well mixed blend, but try to locate it in an area of his cage away from his food and water sources so that it stays clean.
Are the herbs in your Bird Salad mixed in equal parts?
No, quantities are varied according to diet requirements. The selection and proportions of herbs contained in our blend has been carefully chosen based on extensive research and many years of use.
Lady Gouldian Finch Herbs Article
It looks like my birds are *playing* with some of the herbs?!
They're extracting nutrients by *mouthing* or *playing* with certain herbs, especially the larger pieces.
Can my birds eat too much herbs and get sick?
No, your birds know best what they need and how much.
I don't know if I can afford another food supplement!
This is not another supplement nor a medication, rather a deterrent to illness and an encouragement to wellness. I think of the herb dishes like my bird's little medicine cabinet. Contents for what ails them when they don't feel good!
What kind of birds will eat your herbs?
Everybody, from the tiniest finches to the largest parrots! Dove, quail, pigeon, even softbills eat Organic Herbs.
When and how much should I give my birds?
Herbs should be available to your birds at all times. It is best served in its own shallow dish so that your birds may *pick* around in it.
Is Bird Salad the only supplement I need to give my birds besides cuttlebone?
Don't stop using any supplements you are already using. If your bird's diet is deficient in any areas, Bird Salad will help correct this.
How long can I keep my herbs before they're too old to feed to my birds?
As long as you keep them dry and free of dust and debris, they will last as long as it takes for your birds to consume it, or up to two years.
What differences in my birds will I notice after feeding them Bird Salad?
More active birds, better feather condition and color, better appetite, and increased breeding productivity are just some of the improvements from feed Herbs. After we began feeding medicinal herbs to our birds, we had a dramatic reduction in deaths, illnesses, *mystery* fluffed birds, nervousness and feather/skin problems. The positive aspect has been that our birds are able to correct minor health issues before they get severe and we are able to notice a difference in their behavior. We rarely medicate. They are beautifully colored.
My birds need to *fatten up*! Will this help?
There are herbs in our mix that stimulate appetite. And, it stands to reason that a bird that feels well will eat better!
Will my birds really eat licorice?!
Yes, they will! In addition to its medicinal properties, licorice has a flavor that birds find appealing. It also helps to give some of the more bitter tasting herbs a better taste.
I'm confused... Should I treat my sick birds with your herbs instead of medicines?
No. Always seek veterinary care for sick bird. Usually, by the time you notice your bird's not feeling well, it's quite ill. Organic Herbs allows your bird to combat illnesses before the apparent signs that alert the bird keeper. Herbs will not cure disease, but it can aid in recovery and help to repair any deficiencies or damage done by the illness or the medications.
Some of these herbs aren't indigenous to the country that my birds come from. Will they still eat it?
How should I store unused Herbs?
You need to keep organic herbs dry and away from moisture. Refrigeration and freezing are not necessary.
How do you dry your herbs and what prompted you to do this?
Years ago, we grew many of the herbs ourselves, kept them in a cold cellar through the winter and dried them in dehydrators. Now, our herbs come directly from the growers and wild crafters. I became interested in animal self-medication in my desire to better understand why it was that wild birds, though subjected to adverse weather conditions, decreasing natural habitation, pollution, etc., were seemingly healthier than captive birds receiving supplements to their diet, medications, in controlled temperatures, etc.
I got my salad mix yesterday and they immediately emptied the bowl but also placed it in their nest boxes. Is it o.k. to grind the herbs up enough so that they will not be desirable as nesting material?
Some of the herbs repel mites, especially the pau d' arco bark (the brown strip-like pieces). We've had some birds do that, as well. It's not advised to grind up the herbs. This makes it difficult for birds to pick out certain herbs, plus, most birds will ignore powered foods. We allow the occasional birds who wish to use the pau d' arco for their nests. It's repelling parasites such as mites.
Wow, do you sell pau d' arco bark by itself? My birds have been scratching for months!
We don't sell any of the herbs individually. Thyme, milk thistle, wormwood... all fight parasites and worms, as well. But, your birds should get enough of all these. Wood shavings are a natural insecticide, inhibit the growth of bacteria and repel parasites such as mites (avoid cedar and pine, though). It's much cheaper than pau d' arco bark. Do your birds have enough access to bathing? This could be a possible cause for the scratching, especially when humidity is low such as in the winter months.
Can I add your herbs to my bird's seed?
This may be a good way to introduce Herbs to your bird's diet, but over time I'd be concerned about waste. Be sure they're eating it all!
My bird loves your herbs--though he's very selective.
Bird Salad is working as it should with a selective bird; he's selecting the herb(s) he needs to address a particular need, e.g. deficiency, ailment, emotional. We recommend you add to his daily supply, mixing it in with the existing, so that he keeps getting what it is that he's seeking.
My birds are just worn out from traveling from show to show this year and now it is almost the breeding season for them. What testing has been done with doves? I have about 60 who could use a boost!
Our own personal experience has been that our doves are every bit as enthusiastic about Bird Salad as our other birds. We are currently working with Cape doves, Diamonds, Green Wing and Ring Necks. We have many dove and pigeon-owning customers.
Have you ever tried making tea out of the Herbs?
We've had several people report success having made a tea out of Bird Salad. A breeder friend of mine was doing that with her own flock. However, one of the main values and distinctions of our Bird Salad and its recommended feeding guidelines is in allowing the bird to pick when, and what type of herb it needs. In tea form you're *force feeding*. Providing it as a stand-alone is our recommendation.
I was wondering if the herbs have been known to heal (or help) a Gould that has been ill for a month or two. Is it recommended to feed the herbs to a seriously ill Gouldian that has been difficult to diagnose?
It's been reported to me many times, as well as seeing it in my own aviary, that Bird Salad cured an ill bird when medication couldn't. There are several different reasons that make this possible? The bird's illness hasn't been correctly diagnosed, so proper medication isn't provided. The bird may be suffering multiple illnesses and the meds are only addressing part of the problem. Or, it could be that the medicines themselves are causing additional problems, side effects. Replenish Bird Salad often so that your bird doesn't run out of the particular herb(s) he needs. Keep trying to find the right medication.
© lady gouldian 2017